Thursday, February 27, 2014

Final Discussion Questions (Feb. 27--Mar. 4)

This will be your final book discussion for this domain.  Your discussion questions should be about...

  • How the conflicts in your book get resolved
  • How the main characters have changed over the course of your book
  • What the main characters learned through their experiences
Post 4 discussion questions for your group under the comments section of this post.  Enjoy!


Leslie said...

1.What conflicts have been happening in the book so far ?
2. How how have the characters changed in the book?
3. How do you think the book is gonna end ?
4. How does this go with the theme of world war 2'

Alpha said...

1. What are the characters in the book ?

2. Why were there Natzi destroying Jewish books ?

3. What is the main problem in the story ?

4. How do you think your character felt during this time period ?

Anonymous said...

1. Who's the main character?
2. What's the reason that the main character believes he was dropped off with the nuns?
3. Does the main character think his parents are going to come back?
4. What's actually going on?
5. What is the main character good at, and what does he hate?