Monday, February 10, 2014

Discussion Questions for the Week of Feb. 10


This week we are going to focus on what makes people good or evil.  You need to write FOUR questions related to the characters in your book and what makes them either good or bad characters.

Example:  Tris is the main character in the Divergent series.  She stands up for characters who cannot defend themselves, but she has also killed innocent people.  Is she good or evil?


Yarisbeth said...

1) What group is considered evil in this book? The English or the Germans?
2) What makes a person evil during this time from the Germans point of view and the Englishs point of view?
3) Is Von Linden evil? Why or why not?
4) Is Queenie/Verity evil? Why or why not?

Unknown said...

Gustavo said...

1) Who is evil the Germans or the English?
2) What was Marty doing in defense?
3)Who is the main character?
4)Who looked over her shoulder while she was writing the story?