Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Discussion Questions for the Week of 1/27


Write the 4 discussion questions for your group for this week in the comments section of this post. (Click on the word "comments" at the bottom of this post.) The questions should be related to the characters, setting, and/or conflict in the beginning of your book.

Make sure to include your name and class number.  See my example in the comments section.


Ms. May said...

EXAMPLE (your questions will be more specific)
Ms. May
Class #800
1) What do you like/dislike about the book so far?
2) Who is the narrator of your book?
3) Where does the book take place?
4) Why do you think the author chose to...?

Fabian said...

1) Why is Ms. May so great?

Alberto said...

Was it nesseary for Maddie to fight the three fascist?

Was it a good thing for the law to ban the people of the fascist to wear uniform?

What as the awful word that author wasn't able to write or put in English?

Why does queen is doesn't see herself as "queenie " any more?